Not that long ago, (certainly not more than a few months), I happened to bump into this chap on Google+. I can’t quite remember how…maybe he commented on something I was commenting on, maybe somebody I already followed plussed something he posted, it’s probably not important.
Anyway, his comment or his post made me follow him, and what I read was so interesting that I started to participate a little, or ask a question here or there, and his engagement in return was so positive that I did something quite unprecedented for me.
(Now, I love to read, and I tend to talk to literary types online, and as a result, I probably know a disproportionate number of people who have published books. But in this case I did something that I have never done before to any author I’ve known (with no disrespect to them of course) in all my years online.) I promised David Amerland that I would buy his book.
Being nothing if not a man of my word, I have done so. :D
It arrived yesterday, so I’m only about a third of the way through it, but so far I’ve been elated, energised and terrified by turns which is pretty damn good for the subject matter. I’ll save the rest for an actual review, so for now, goodnight. I shall spend the rest of today (which is my birthday), finishing the book. And then I shall probably have to read it again. ;)