Enquiring Minds

Enquiring Minds

Irony Is Not Visually Apparent

Enquiring Minds

The internet is an amazing place, and for those of us who make their living through it, its constant evolution provides daily challenges, puzzles and a complexity that never fails to surprise even seasoned professionals.

This site started out as a platform on which I could ask myself those questions, explore those challenges, and try to unravel some of that complexity.  I never planned on teaching anybody anything, I don’t know whether any of those questions have been or will be answered, or even if there are necessarily answers for some of them.

But writing things down often clarifies them, so that’s what I decided to do. And I did for a while. And then I stopped, because keeping up with stuff is hard, and I’m very lazy.

A New Era

But then I needed somewhere to put a bunch of stuff so I didn’t feel it was completely wasted, and I thought of this blog, where I’ve now created galleries for my experiments in image generation. The old posts are still here too, and maybe I’ll add some more new ones as I go, and as things occur to me. Or maybe my new-found excitement will fade away as before at some point.

I never really did get any answers before, the extent of my ignorance remains proportionately undiminished, but there’s still always the chance maybe you, the hypothetical reader, will find something interesting or thought-provoking from time to time.

You never know.