It’s Difficult To Write
It’s Difficult To Write

It’s Difficult To Write

Ok, so, it’s not difficult to write.  It’s easy to write.  It’s even easy to find topics to write about.  But it’s very difficult to find the time to do it.

Yes, I know it’s important. And it’s not like I don’t try.  But sometimes it feels like every hour of the day is just rife with interruptions and crises and gods alone know what else that seem to actively conspire to prevent me from writing, however much I love to do it.

I’ve got two posts still sitting as drafts.  Both of which I thought were great posts to start the year with.  But neither of them are finished.

Between the reading and the strategising and the thinking, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

I gotta start managing my time better.

And instead of finishing one of those great posts I have as drafts, instead I’m banging out a few lines about why I don’t have time to write. :D

And spam comments…don’t get me started on spam comments…because that’s a topic for another day.