It Lives
It Lives

It Lives

Well…who would have thought it…Nearly 11 years on from the start of this blog…and a bit more than 8 years since I effectively gave up on it, here I am again. Alone no doubt, but here nonetheless. Does a tree that falls in the forest etc. etc?

Change Is Inevitable

I started this blog, lo these many years ago now, as part of a grand experiment into the value of social media as a platform for connection. And while social media (or some forms of it at least) has in the intervening years proven its worth (for a given value of worth), my own (now) obvious mistake was to use Google’s (then nascent) (and now defunct) foray into the space in order to carry out my experiment.

In hindsight of course, it was almost inevitable that Google+ would fail. We will not examine the discrepancy between the date of its closure and the date of my last entry here, but suffice it to say that even then the writing was pretty clearly on the wall. And the ease with which I lose interest in things may well have had a role to play in my prolonged absence from this recently resurrected little corner of the digital world.

The More Things Change

The world carried on…PHP versions became obsolete, the site fell rapidly into disuse, and even more rapidly into disrepair. I never got around to fixing it, but I also could never quite let it go…I’m pretty fond of some of the things I wrote on here and I always thought I would get around to getting it back up when I could be bothered find the time.

Recently though, I’ve been playing around a lot with AI image generation, and I was faced with the problem of what to do with the thousands of images I was producing…

Although I deleted the vast majority of them, (and still will), there were always some it just seemed a shame to get rid of. What was I to do? Start some DeviantArt profile? (I’m no artist.) Post them to AI Image communities on Facebook (gods forbid) or Reddit? Nothing really seemed…right.

And then I remembered…

Back From The Dead

I technically had a personal site I could use. It was old. It was broken. It was unoptimised for any meaningful purpose. No links pointed to it (that I remember) and barely anybody knew it had ever existed. But did I care? No, no I did not.

Of course, resurrecting it proved somewhat of a challenge. The theme was broken, the plugins were obsolete. The styling was gone forever. (It still looks awful, but since it’s effectively almost invisible, I don’t suppose that matters much, I’ll mess around until I get something I can live with.)

But the important thing was…It was there. And now it’s here. Wherever here is. I’ll probably dump a few thoughts here again as well as some of my AI tomfoolery, when you’re screaming into the void, the fact that it is a void is largely meaningless.

So…here we go…again.