Anniversary Post
Anniversary Post

Anniversary Post

As I get older, the passage of each year sometimes seems a more and more remarkable thing. And one of the remarkable things about it, is that there are different, and sometimes contradictory reasons responsible for that feeling.

On the one hand of course, the slightly stunned shock that another year is over. Where the hell did it go? On the other, the feeling that you’ve endured a long hard slog to get through it. (The passage of time is, (as with so many other things), of course subjective.)

As I approach ages at which, in my wild and feckless youth, I assumed I would be dead before reaching, I can’t help but reflect on how improbable was my birth, and the turnings of the path that led me to where I am today.

In a cause and effect universe, this must surely be among the most thought provoking topics.


Many people measure the passing of time in their lives by the count of milestones. This or that achieved, this goal reached, this plan realised.

As an essentially present-focused person, (my interests in the future are purely theoretical), I’ve never really troubled to do such a thing. I make the odd exception, important anniversaries and such. (Oh gods, it’s my anniversary in 5 days.)

But I thought it meet to mark this particular anniversary as well. It’s a year to the day since my first post on this blog. Which is quite possibly the longest I have managed to keep a blog up.

How little did I suspect then that my decision to do so, and in so doing, delve a little into this new (to me) social medium GooglePlus, would result in the interesting encounters, and dare I say burgeoning friendships, that have in fact come about as a result.

And led in no small part to actually keeping up this blog.

So, to all those people my thanks…it’s been so much fun that I have no plans to stop any time soon. There are certainly too many people to mention. But if you’re reading this, chances are you’re one of them.

1 Year Blog Anniversary